

This system streamlines digital file processing within departments, saving time and costs.

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About RAHCo

An innovative digital system designed to streamline and digitize file processing within departments. Files are seamlessly forwarded between operators on their computers for review and action. Upon completion by all operators, files are marked ready for final submission, eliminating manual transport and saving both time and costs.

Tech stack and deliverables

MERN-stack, Mobile-app, Admin-panel


1. Purpose:

- Streamlines the processing of files across various sections/rooms within a department.
- Digitizes traditional manual handling of files, common in offices.

2. Efficiency and Automation:

- Each room/operator receives files directly on their computer.
- Operators review, perform necessary tasks, and then forward the file to the next operator.

3. End-to-End Processing:

- Once all rooms/operators have completed their tasks, the file is marked as processed and ready for final submission within the system.

4. Cost-Effective and Time-Saving:

- Eliminates the need for a designated individual to physically transport files between rooms/operators.