

A business platform overseeing financials, with features like transaction management.

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About PR-Bookkeeping

A sophisticated platform custom developed for specific business needs to oversee financial accounts, transactions, & stock. Features include dashboard, account balance views, comprehensive transaction management, stock details, and individualized reporting. Account settings allow multiple options for user.

Tech stack and deliverables

MERN-stack, Mobile-app, Business-management, Stock-management, Cash-flow


1. Purpose:

- Digital platform designed for organizing and managing books for avid readers, libraries, or literary enthusiasts.

2. Dashboard:

- At-a-glance view of the book collection, recent additions, and reading statistics.

3. Cataloging System:

- Manually input or auto-import book details using ISBN.
- Categorize books by genre, author, publication year, or custom tags.

4. Reading Tracker:

- Set reading goals and monitor progress.
- Mark books as "read", "currently reading", or "to be read".

5. Book Reviews & Ratings:

- Share personal reviews and assign star ratings.
- View community reviews for book recommendations.

6. Digital Shelf:

- Virtual visualization of books, akin to a physical shelf.
- Customize shelf categories, such as "favorites" or "classics".

7. Loan & Borrow Tracking:

- Keep a record of books loaned to or borrowed from friends.
- Set reminders for return dates.

8. Security & Accessibility:

- User data encryption ensures privacy.
- Cloud-based system allows access from any device, anywhere.