Odar - POS & e-Commerce

Odar - POS & e-Commerce

A B2B platform with tailored features like sales analytics, order management, and chat.

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About Odar - POS & e-Commerce

Odar is a B2B marketplace platform with distinct roles: Merchant (product initiator), Vendor (middleman), Consumer (end user), & Admin. Each role has a tailored account category and features, such as POS, sales analytics, order and inventory management, chat, and customization settings.

Tech stack and deliverables

MERN-stack, B2B-marketplace, Checkout, Ionic-React, React-Native, Supply-chain, Mobile-app


1. Purpose:

- Odar is an extensive platform or market place based on user hierarchy.

2. User Roles:

- Merchant: Initiates and sells products.
- Vendor: Acts as a middleman, purchasing from merchants and selling to consumers.
- Consumer: The end user who utilizes the product.
- Distinct account categories based on roles: Merchant, Vendor, and Consumer.
- Each role is equipped with specific features tailored to their needs.

3. Users' Features:

- Point Of Sale (POS): Enables sales transaction processing.
- Reports: Provides detailed sales, earnings, and performance analytics.
- Orders: Track and manage incoming and outgoing product orders.
- Products List: Displays a comprehensive list of available products.
- Menu List: Showcases the array of product offerings.
- Tables: Management tool for businesses that operate with seating or service tables.
- Inventory Management: Monitor and manage product stock.
- Vendors: List and manage vendors associated with the merchant.
- Ratings: View and analyze customer reviews and ratings.
- Sub-Merchants: Oversee and manage affiliated or subsidiary merchants.
- Chat: Communication tool for direct interaction.
- Settings: Customize and configure account preferences.

4. Admin Panel:

- Robust Management: Handles merchants, vendors, consumers, inventory, and sales.
- Visual Analytics: Provides visual insights through charts and cards detailing sales and earnings.
- Merchant Oversight: Enables viewing and management of the merchant list.
- Account Moderation: Grants authority to block or restrict merchants if they engage in unacceptable behaviors.

Testimonial for Odar - POS & e-Commerce


Maiz Hakim

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Working with Muhammad M. has been a truly exceptional experience. He has successfully delivered multiple projects for me, including Odar (POS and e-Commerce solution) and RAHCo (an innovative digital system designed to streamline and digitize file processing within departments). Both projects not only met but exceeded my expectations. I highly recommend collaborating with him.

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