

Designed for wholesalers, it offers insights into financial accounts, stocks, and bills.

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About Minibooks

A holistic platform tailored for wholesale businesses to oversee financial accounts, transactions, stock, and bills. Features include dashboard, account balance views, comprehensive transaction management, stock details, bill creation and editing, and individualized reporting. Account settings allow multiple options for user.

Tech stack and deliverables

MERN-stack, Mobile-app, Business-management, Stock-management, Cash-flow, MUI, Admin-panel, Sub-users


1. Purpose:

- Comprehensive platform for businesses to manage financial accounts, transactions, stock, & bills.

2. Key Features:

User Access:
- Users can log in or sign up to create and manage their accounts.
- Displays financial balances through visual charts, ensuring a cohesive view of all transactions with customers or suppliers.
- Displays list of accounts with their current balance.
- Produce trial balances for a consolidated view of debits and credits.
- Create individualized reports.
Transactions Management:
- Display list of transactions.
- Create debit & credit from saved accounts & manage stock.
- Manage & see details of available stock.
- Create new bills or edit existing ones along with available export options.
Document Export:
- Users can download reports and bills in CSV or PDF formats.
- Provides a print option for physical copies.
- Update profile information.
- Change password.
- View and manage user lists.
- Contact the platform's admin.
- Option to delete transaction history.
- Facilitate account removal.