

A minimalistic social media platform where users can share posts and follow others.

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About FunCept

FunCept is a minimal social media platform. Users can signup/login and share posts. Other users can Like and Comment on your posts. Top 3 posts are shown on top based on the most likes. User can also follow other Users and see the feed from only the users he is following.

Tech stack and deliverables



1. Purpose:

- FunCept offers a streamlined social media experience, focusing on simplicity while preserving core interactive elements that define social platforms.

2. User Access:

- Interested individuals can sign up to join the platform or log in if they're existing members, providing an inclusive space for all users.

3. Content Sharing:

- Users are empowered to voice their thoughts, share updates, or disseminate information through posts, creating dynamic content that represents their persona.

4. Engagement Mechanisms:

- Interactivity is promoted through features that allow users to like and comment on posts, fostering community discussions and engagements.
- To recognize and prioritize top-notch content, the platform displays the top 3 posts that have garnered the most likes, providing them with increased visibility.

5. Networking and Feed Personalization:

- Users can extend their network by following others. This not only builds connections but also customizes their content feed.
- The platform's feed algorithm ensures that users primarily view content from those they're following, creating a tailored browsing experience based on preferences and connections.